Vesta Vigilar Squatter Protection

  Av. de la Libertad, 301, 1º Planta Local 3, 30710 Los Alcázares, Murcia



Av. de la Libertad, 301, 1º Planta Local 3, 30710 Los Alcázares, Murcia


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This web site helps people with preventing squatters in Spain. Vesta Vigilar provides services that prevent squatters to possess your home, home surveillance and protection. Vesta Vigilar will assist it's clients in the process of evicting squatters through lawful means. We liaise with the local police and report squatters. Vesta Vigilar will help the owner to get rid of squatters in their home. Vesta Vigilar goes beyond the normal alarm company to protect homes in Spain against squatters, taking care of the whole process from an attempt of squatting to a successful eviction of squatters. We have experienced lawyers that know the squatter law that will handle the whole process, from following up with local police to ensure a swift eviction to handle the whole process through the court system and evict the squatters.